Five Points Fitness Training/Brandon Robles, Certified Personal Fitness Trainer

Brandon Robles
San Diego, California 92103 (within 10 miles)
Trains both men and women
• Strength Building
• Body Building
• Weight Loss
• Rehabilitation
• Spin
• Body Sculpting
• Mixed-Martial Arts Conditioning
Training Locations
• home
• gym
• work
• outdoors
• National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer
• Weight Loss Specialist
• Mixed-Martial Arts Conditioning Coach
• Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA)-Certified Personal Fitness Trainer. TRX-Instructor Certified
• Les Mills Group Fitness Instructor (Bodypump
• CXWorx)
• Schwinn Indoor-cycle certified

Personal Trainer Overview

Five Points Fitness Training provides results-driven health and fitness training to men and women of all ages, body types and fitness levels by using industry leader National Academy of Sports Medicine's (NASM) science based Optimum Performance Training Model. Beginning with a health and fitness assessment, each client is presented with a comprehensive fitness program that addresses muscle imbalances, any past injuries, and ultimately progresses clients towards their fitness goal (s).

Training Philosophy

Although every client is unique, there are five key components of fitness that are addressed with each client: Nutrition, Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, Flexibility Training and Supplementation. While one or more of these five components may be emphasized to a greater/lesser extent depending on the specific short/long term fitness goals of each client, it is my belief that only through an integrated approach that takes into account the ways in which every part of our body is interrelated can one fully reach their fitness potential.


University of California, Santa Barbara-B.A. Fitness Instruction for Personal Trainers (2003, Honors Graduate)


Hello and welcome! My name is Brandon Robles and I own/operate Five Points Fitness Training. I have been a member of the health and fitness industry for 10 years, where I have worked as both a personal fitness trainer, as well as a group fitness instructor for various class formats, including spin and Les Mills. My goal with every individual I partner with who desires to improve their quality of life through fitness is simple: to listen to what it is they desire to change, whether it be bodyfat reduction, increased muscle size/strength, or to simply improve their overall well-being, and then provide them with a comprehensive and customized fitness program incorporating the 5 key elements of fitness (nutrition, resistance, cardio and flexibility training, and supplementation), that will assist them in reaching their goals in the fastest, safest way possible.

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