Training Where it's Raining
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Training Philosophy
Lake Washington Technical College - 2006
Dean's List - 2004
One non-fitness industry experience that had a big impact on my training style was Army Basic Training. I'm not a drill sergeant; I get results more efficiently. However, I left that experience with a whole new appreciation for bodyweight training.
At another point, when I needed something to lean on, I discovered Yoga. It really changed my life for the better in every possible way and so I dove right in. I have kept a daily practice for a little over 2 years now. I have also found that some of these benefits cross over into fitness territory. People who meditate are less likely to have cardiovascular disease. Applying mindfulness techniques to choosing foods and eating helps obese individuals lose more weight and have longer-lasting results. Stress hormones are a major factor in stubborn fat deposits and meditation reduces stress levels.
There's plenty more I could write, but this ought to give you a feel for what I'm about. Thank you for taking the time to learn a little bit about me. I'm here to help if you feel moved to reach out.