General Fitness, Kettlebell Training, Body Sculpting, Senior Fitness, Weight Loss, Therapeutic Exercise

Bill Linehan
New York, New York 10001 (within 5 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Body Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Rehabilitation
  • Body Sculpting
  • Senior Citizen Fitness, kettle b
Training Locations
  • home
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • International Sports Science Association Certified: Fitness Trainer TherapeuticExercise Specialist Senior Fitness Specialist Dragon Door: Hardstyle Kettlebell Certified Instructor

Personal Trainer Overview

Body Redemption Fitness Training provides the personal fitness training services of Bill Linehan, Ph.D. to clients on Manhattan's Upper East Side seeking help with general health and fitness, weight management, women's fitness, senior citizen fitness, body sculpting and bodybuilding, sport-specific training, and exercise and health. Dr. Linehan is a member of the American College of Sports Medicine's Alliance of Health and Fitness Professionals, the International Sports Sciences Association (ISSA), and the American Senior Fitness Association. Certified by ISSA as a Fitness Trainer, a Specialist in Senior Fitness, and a Therapeutic Exercise Specialist, and by Dragon Door as a Hardstyle Kettlebell Instructor, Dr. Linehan has tens of thousands of hours' training experience and advanced training in:

Physiology of Resistance Training Senior Citizen Fitness

Therapeutic Exercise Nutrition

Care and Prevention of Sports Injuries Body Composition

Exercise and Shoulder Problems Weight Management

Sprains and Strains Exercise and Pregnancy

Kettlebell Training Mobility and Flexibility

Training Philosophy

Our bodies are all subject to the same scientific principles yet each of us is unique. Our uniqueness means that optimal fitness strategies vary across people. That's why the best trainers scientifically analyze individual characteristics and needs to prescribe individualized fitness programs. Body Redemption accordingly rejects the all too common "one size fits all" approach wherein a trainer touts "his" program as "best". "Best for whom?" we ask. A training program should be the client's, not the trainer's. Worse yet is the trainer who applies no program at all, but whose only mission is to teach you to lift weights because "that will get the job done." What job and why? Fitness training should be more than showing a client proper execution of a few exercises. Ideal physical training combines practical exercise knowledge with a scientific analysis of the client's unique body and life to yield a productive, personalized nutritional and training strategy the trainee can actually enjoy. Believe it or not, fitness can be fun. The best trainers find a program the trainee will like because a disliked fitness strategy won't be used for long, and if it's not used consistently it's useless.


Ph.D., Indiana University

A.B., Hamilton College

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