Effective Coaching and Personal Training for all Fitness Levels.
Bekk Millwood
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
I enjoy training clients in a fun and inspiring environment where no 2 workouts are ever the same. I am particularly results focused and adamant about achieving life changing physical and personal growth through holistic health both inside and outside the gym. I aim to keep training interesting and evolving to keep clients engaged and excited about their journey.
Training Philosophy
Simple: No matter how you feel; you get up, dress up and show up.
Certificate 4 in Fitness (additional certifications below)
Bekk completed her first course to become a Fitness Leader and Aerobics Instructor at the age of 18 and has now completed numerous qualifications including her Master Trainer, Sports Coaching, Strength and Conditioning and Nutritional Science certifications. Bekk currently owns 2 businesses and continues to coach clients to keep her engaged with her profession while continually developing her skill set. Her continued self development is of high importance and is crucial in remaining a key player ahead of the ever evolving profession that she loves so passionately. Over the past 12 years Bekk has worked energetically in varied positions in the fitness profession most recently with a strong focus on networking. Because of this and her focus on her own fitness and nutrition she has generated herself as a highly sought after international fitness professional and Elite Personal Trainer.