Angela Olah
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
Bootcamps are designed with a fun, unique approach to whole life health. Tires, sledgehammers, kettlebells, sandbags etc challenge you in creative ways that make working out fun - YES fun!
Training Philosophy
Results take hard work and time. You need to want it bad and be willing to do what it takes to get you there.
Instructors will work with individuals to help you attain your goals and have fun doing it.
Workouts are constantly changing and using unique equipment.
FitRanX fitness ranking help you stay motivated and attain new levels of excellence.
Constant and ongoing! The fitness industry is constantly evolving and the key is to stay in touch and educated!
Angela Olah has a true passion for fitness - one developed from her own personal challenge to get her weight under control and get to and maintain a high level of fitness. This gives Angela the true ability to empathize and relate to clients struggling with weight loss. But it doesn’t stop there. Angela has a true desire to help all clients regardless of their fitness levels. Her constant desire to improve and learn as fitness professional enables her to bring new and exciting workout programs and equipment to the gym floor.
But it doesn't stop there. Angela believes that health isn't just about exercise - it's just one part of the puzzle. Health is about lifestyle and complete understanding of one's own life experiences. Greatness and excellence is achieved through a balanced mind, body, heart and spirit.