Fitness Lifestyle Coach- We focus on fitness, nutrition, & motivation

Andrea Eilertson
Saint Paul, Minnesota 55122 (within 30 miles)
Trains female only
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Yoga
  • Body Sculpting
Training Locations
  • home
  • studio
  • work
  • outdoors
  • -ACE certified personal trainer -ACE certified group fitness instructor -PiYo certified instructor -IYCA level 3 specialist -ACE-Pre/Post Natal certificate

Personal Trainer Overview

How we are different:

*We do monthly assessments

*You get a monthly fitness plan to help hold you accountable

*Customized interval programs

*Customized workouts built for you and your needs

*Nutrition guidance

*Multiple training options-online, in-person, group and individual training available

*Comfortable initial meeting environment at a local coffee shop so we are both at ease in a neutral environment

*Free Fitness Consult

*Build relationships

*Andrea is constantly updating her education and knowledge to stay on top of the fitness industry

Training Philosophy

I believe in a total body approach to fitness. Most of my clients are in-home clients and you don't need a lot of fancy equipment. You can get results using your body weight & dumbbells. I am a big believe in mixing it up to prevent boredom. One month we may focus on tabata training, the next lifting infused with cardio, or just strictly lifting. Each month brings a new plan catered to you and your needs.


-B.A from Hamline University double major of sports & exercise science and psychology

-MN K-6 teaching license from Hamline University


I focus primarily on women’s health of all ages. As a female, I understand the stress, anatomy and hormones that make the woman’s body different from a males. I have worked with women in many stages of their lives; from young middle school aged girls, women getting ready for their weddings, pre/post natal women, and women pre/post menopausal. I recognize the changes the body goes thru and help you get the results you are looking for.

I have been a certified personal trainer since 2007 and have enjoyed helping hundreds of women meet their fitness goals. I have worked with women who were about to get knee replacement surgery,women training for their weddings, women who are pregnant, and women who are in their 50′s & 60′s looking to feel good about themselves again.

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