Personal Training and Sports Massage Therapy
Adam Priddle
United Kingdom
Trains both men and women
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
A wide variety of training techniques are used in the personal training sessions including HIIT, resistance training, Kettlebells and Indoor Cycling to ensure that the customer makes the most out of the session. The clients goals are used to personalise each and every session to their needs.
Sports massage is used as a form of injury prevention/rehabilitation, as well as being used for recovery.
Training Philosophy
I motivate clients through using a variety of training techniques and equipment to ensure that the sessions are always new and enjoyable rather than monotonous and repetitive. I myself am motivated by a drive to continually better my own ability as well as creating myself as a positive rolemodel for customers that I train.
A few of the methods I use include HIIT (fantastic way to burn fat and reduce muscle wastage), PAP (fast and effective way to increse strength and power in an individul across a variety of exercises).
-REPs Level 3 Personal Trainer
-VTCT Level 3 Sports Massage Therapist
-Dynamic Kettlebells Instructor
-Studio Cycling Instructor
-Personal Nutrition advisor