Personal Training, Weight Loss, Muscle Gain, Fitness Transformations and more!
Adam Karapetyan
Glendale, California 91205 (within 30 miles)
Trains male only
Training Locations
Personal Trainer Overview
My training philosophy is simple, eat right, train right, and get results. I isolate a couple muscles each time we work out, maximizing the tearing of muscle fibers in each area which will result in the most gains for you. And as for weight loss, I can help completely transform your eating habits to help you shed weight like you never thought you could.
I'm a certified personal trainer, and carry liability insurance coverage good for anywhere in the united states, your home, my gym, the park, you name it.
After going through a weight loss journey, losing 200 lbs in 14 months, I made it my mission in life to help people get in shape and achieve their fitness goals. I love my new job, and enjoy helping people live healthy lives :)