Personal Training

Aaron Shepherd
Portage, Michigan 49002 (within 30 miles)
Trains both men and women
  • Strength Building
  • Weight Loss
  • Triathlon coach
Training Locations
  • home
  • gym
  • outdoors
  • Falling Waters Trail
  • ACE Personal Trainer

Personal Trainer Overview

Using proven strength and consditioning techniques I can tailor a program to reach any goal. Be it looking good, improving health or reaching the pinacle in your sport I can help.

Training Philosophy

I often tell weight managment clients to turn on ESPN or another sports channel or magazine and look at athletes bodies. When you are trying to "lose weight" or "drop some pounds" What you are really wanting to do is reshape your body, right? Athletes train very differently from sport to sport and the way they look is a byproduct of the workout they do. If you'd like that "V" Michael Phelps has in his back and shoulders -we train like a swimmer. If you want the tone and power in your legs like a cyclist or triathlete then we will train you try that. Finding your sport and/or the type of training you enjoy is job one for me as your trainer. Job 2, once we found what you enjoy, would be making myself obsolete. Teaching you how to program your routines and be totally confident and compitent in the gym is my goal. I love working out with clients but I enjoy it even more when they are in a gym completely in their element and don't need me to tell them how and what. I have already seen some ladies feeling totally empowered in a weight room and it's great to see the intimidation of the weight room and big powerlifters fall away.


ACE Certified Personal Trainer 2010

USTA Triathlon training series 2010

HSPC Modern training for ultimate athletic development 2010

Detroit Marathon finisher 2010

2nd place CL Sprint Triathlon 2010


"I fell in love with running in 2005 when I ran my first 5K on a dare and did so with no experience in running or training or being healthy AT ALL. I was actually smoking a pack a day at the time! Since then I fell in love with fitness and running and did the hardest thing I have ever done - quit smoking!!! Since then I fell in love with fitness and running. A few years later I was looking for the next challenge and found triathlon. It was all over after the first one, I was hooked. It was the sum of your total fitness being tested that attracted me to triathlon. Like most people, I don't want to be a hulking beast nor an ultra skinny guy and if we're being honest 99% of people beginning a fitness program (me included) is doing so out of vanity. We want to look better/thinner/bigger/bulkier/more toned/etc., right? A triathlete has a hybrid body with the wide back and shoulders the "V" shape of a swimmer, the flared out thighs and hard butt of a cyclist and toned core and legs of a runner. Not to mention it's FUN! The best day of every summer from the time I was 7 consisted of; swimming in a lake or a pool, riding my bike and running all over the place. That IS a triathlon. That's me and how I decided to become a fitness professional, now you tell me what goals you want to reach and let's reach them."

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