Personal Trainers in Minneapolis, MN
Shannon Burton
Strength Building, Rehabilitation, Kick Boxing, Functional Movement
Tracy Yang
Strength Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Body Sculpting, Health Behavior Change
Mitch Mohs
Strength Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Aerobics
Cori Moore
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Range of motion
Christine Bongiovanni
Strength Building, Body Building, Physique, Fitness, Figure & Biki
Kelly Doyle
Strength Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Body Sculpting, Corrective Exercise, Older Adult
Sarah Riedl
Weight Loss, Pilates, Body Sculpting, Corrective exercise
Lorvin Moeller
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Body Sculpting
Amber Walker
Strength Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Pilates
Neil Javener
Strength Building, Body Building, Rehabilitation, Body Sculpting
Tyler Kleinhuizen
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Neurological Soft Tissue Therapy
Jim Hensrud
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Rehabilitation, Aerobics, and more...
Mike Schmidt
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Body Sculpting, flexibility
Andrew Kapel
Kick Boxing, MMA
Megan Flanagan
Strength Building, Body Building, Weight Loss, Yoga, Aerobics, and more...